Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chill lessons from Citibank CS

And she started out so well. I guess she really needed the money for some Valium or something.

Did anyone else notice that she sounds like shes in a bathroom? maybe she was trying to withdraw from the toilet.

Family Guy vs. Bale

So Christian Bale been flipping out lately and the family guy dude decided he should have a run in with Peter Griffith.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Women Drivers FTL

I know alot of women drivers and thank God none of them (well actually... you know who you are!!!) drive like this.

As my friend just said "How do you even begin to explain that to your parents?" Well, just show em the video.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Robin FTW

Robin needs to learn Tact.

Bitch slapped across the face! Oddly enough there are no *Kapow* marks...

After the Dentist

Kid's say the darnedest things...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Budlight: The Office

Bud makes the best commercials, here's one from the Superbowl.

That's the same reaction i got when i gave everyone at the office a copy of my Mission Vision, I did however get a squinty-eyed girl to follow me. What? that was a movie? You mean that didn't happen? What the hell, next thing you know you'll tell me I'm not Black.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Teach your dog to Hate Satan

Sparky really really doesn't like Satan... better watch out evil one! Sparky's got it out for you.