Thursday, January 29, 2009

All The Single Ladies! part 2

This purely for the enjoyment of all the single ladies out there.


Was it everything you thought it would be? How would you liket o wake up in the morning to some of that? Bring it on Stay Puff

Here's an interesting observation... is that his gut or.. something...else? OMG I'm gonna throw up now

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jan 27, Rex Manning Day

From now on, I declare Jan 27 to be Rex Manning day (mostly because i really can't find the day.. the closest i can come up with is the release date Oct 20.. but that's too far away)

So Friends, if you're feeling a little down today. Remember,don't feel sad, It's freaking Rex Manning Day.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Blues Doggie

I'd take the Dog singing blues over the "Tats ma badi" Singing Korean guy anytime (Korean Boy Here)

All The Single Ladies!

For the Becks... because somehow I figure you'd enjoy this....

Eat your heart out Beyonce!


Who knew cupcakes could have so much power over canines.

They say Boobies will have the same effect on me, what's that? don't believe it? Ni ether do i, any volunteers to test this theory?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Are you ready? Let's get it on!

Funny what you can get away with as long as its cute huh?

Good times.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Epic Fail of the Day

So I was passing by Brazil Brazil and noticed the promo sign they had. It instantly reminded me of one of those Jay Leno Headlines segments. Well I guess if you're having a sausage buffet there are many names you can come up with but did no one really notice this?

Sausage Fest, really? Imagine if the genius behind this was selling cats? Oh yeah, you know what it would say.

Slip N' Slide Japan!

Leave it to the Japanese to yet again innovate the daily gameshow with another groundbreaking challenge.

See how far you can slide (or swim apparently)ontop of some oiled-up Japanese girls in Bikinis. Now that's ENTERTAINMENT!

UPDATE!: check out the second part of the show. it's even more disturbing when the girls stuff little balls into the contestants shorts.

OMG Japan Rocks!

Pastrami Goodness from Earle's

If you happen to be near an Earle's Deli you have to try getting yourself a beef pastrami sandwich, but don't forget to add an extra 100 grams of pastrami. If you like horseradish get that on the side and prepare yourself for a pastramigasm. Possibly multi-pastramigasms.

Now that's a damn good sandwich. (about P160 with the extra pastrami already! woot)

Hate Scarry, Love Odette

Because I think Odette Yustman is clearly a goddess, I will watch anything shes in. Even a "pee-in-my-pants" movie like The Unborn. Now THAT's dedication.

Say what you want about Micheal "Standing 360-degree camera shot" Bay, but he knows how to pick actresses for his Movie. I bet you Odette will be bigger than Megan Fox, unless Fox pulls a crafty move and releases a scandal -- then everyone wins. See, Competition is healthy.

Sandbox Bacon Special

Thanks to Mari for this Bacolicious add-on...mmm bacon.

Click here

Yes the power of bacon, makes everything taste better!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Evolution of Dance

Thanks to DJ Don for this clip.

The evolution of dance!

Now If only they could get some hotter girls to do crazy shit like this or giant fatty panda bears.. awww

The Ulitmate Bacon Melt

They call it the Bacon McFatty.

Pretty simple:
1. Make 2 grilled cheese sandwiches with bacon inside (yuum)
2. Use the 2 Grilled cheese sandwiches as the BUN for the Bacon McFatty.
3. Place a Burger patty on top of one grilled cheese sandwich, top with cheese and add more bacon.
4. Place the other Grilled cheese sandwich on top and presto..

Now if that doesnt soothe your bacon-cheese craving nothing ever wi.. well actually you can DOUBLE IT UP.

But don't come crying to me when you can't get a date on Friday night because your ass is so fat. and especially don't go blaming me once you can't see your penis anymore.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Baby Jean Claude

Remember that trailer of JCVD I posted before, the movie sucked (as is the case with really good trailers).

However there was one scene from the movie that caught my attention. Dramatic stuff from Jean Claude's childhood.

Take that Chuck Norris!

New Transformers Movie Poster

The new movie poster for Transformers was released yesterday. Someone better tell Micheal Bay that he'd make a hell of alot more buzz if it just had Megan Fox on it*pow*.. shes so peertey.

The Baconator

My first food entry (upon request)

I dunno how to review food but i do know how Anthony Bourdain would do it WWABD?

The Baconator, a name that sounds like a fatty melt from the future, ready to destroy any would be diet it comes across. A rich double patty with melted cheese and stuffed with 4 magnificent pieces of bacon and a hefty bun to hold all the goodness together, ladies and gentlemen we may have a winner.

Of course, being the avid bacon-man myself I couldn't resist adding an extra 4 strips of bacon in there for added goodness.

For the price, about P220 and you'll be getting a mouthful. But still not as big as you'd expect. Delivery time was about 60-65 mins (goto I was glad i could order online, they even called my cellphone to verify. But damn, more than an hour to deliver - preposterous!

Taste was okay, typical wendy's burger actually. The bacon itself wasn't as crispy as I'd like and this burger suffers from the "bacon pull" effect, where you end up pulling all the bacon out after biting.

Still, worth a try and much better than that garbage bacon burger from Jollibee.

Life without Garfield

I happened across this site called Garfield without Garfield.

It's pretty funny, but what's really interesting is the whole premise --removing Garfield shows you something about Jon Arbucke."It is a journey deep into the mind of an isolated young everyman as he fights a losing battle against loneliness and depression in a quiet American suburb."

And if you think about it, Garfield never really talks (he's always in thought bubbles) back to Jon. Wow, pretty deep stuff for a Garfield comic huh?

Here's the link CLICK HERE

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fatty Hamster is in Jail

Fatty Hamster is behind bars.

I don't really know why this is postworthy. But i do know comic hijinx when i see it. And by the way, i have it from a good source that Fatty is a boy.. you can see his pink manhood if you look closely, perve!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Japanese Teaser of the Day

Jap movies are usually filled with violence and women in sexy school girl outfits. But hey, they know how to make a good teaser too. Mind you, still with the violence and school girl outfit.

For more than half of that teaser I was wondering what the hell she was doing just standing there. Then *pow* ninja kick to the head!!! But still, getting sucker kicked in the head from a Japanese School girl has its benefits, all directly related to the type of underwear said kicker is wearing (or not wearing - oh yeah).

The Apple Wheel

Apple has introduced the first Laptop with No Keyboard!!!

Before you guys get all riled up, no it's not real.

I call shenanigans or tomfoolery if you will.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals

It's back.

Damned NBC decided that all their content is for US audiences only, so for some reason we can't watch or link video from NBC (and the service provider

So what am i to do? I found the whole video and edited it myself.
.|.(^^) --> me giving them the middle finger.

Ladies and gentlemen, Once again, Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals.

Lets hope no one takes this down too...

Note: here's the old follow-up link, Wahlberg's response to this skit click here

The Korean Boy

Thanks to Sexy Katie for submitting this wonderful video for everyone to enjoy.

3 Words. Korean. Pop. Sensation.


Kathy Griffin FTW

So the D-lister girl was co-hosting the New Year's Eve coverage for CNN and she was being heckled. Gotta love the comeback. Gotta frown on the timing.

See what she did there? eh? eh?