Monday, January 5, 2009

Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals

It's back.

Damned NBC decided that all their content is for US audiences only, so for some reason we can't watch or link video from NBC (and the service provider

So what am i to do? I found the whole video and edited it myself.
.|.(^^) --> me giving them the middle finger.

Ladies and gentlemen, Once again, Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals.

Lets hope no one takes this down too...

Note: here's the old follow-up link, Wahlberg's response to this skit click here


DJDon said...

Say hi to your mothing for me lol

Sandman said...

Hey Don... so... you're a DJ huh? Wus dat like? Dya like music? I use tah make music!

We just work togetha sum time.

Say hi to you're mother for me.