Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Next Big Thing

Kids, Don't try this at home... unless you happen to be Brock Lesnar.

Brock Lesnar versus Keith "The Texas Crazy Horse" Herring last UFC PPV. I half expected Brock to pick up Herring and give him an F5, But HOLY SHIT! did that punch just send Herring to the ground rolling!? Word of advise to all the Heavyweights, start losing weight and get out!!!

Rumor has it that Lesnar's showboating in the end "Can you see me now?!" is a direct response for getting off the limelight from WWE Superstar John Cena "You can't see me (/facewave)"

Of course those rumors started with me.

On a side note, "Texas Crazy Horse"? Seriously? That is not a fighter name, did they run out of all the cool names? Sounds more like Strip Bar in Las Vegas, Oh snap! it is a strip club bar in Las Vegas!

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