Hopefully you've seen the Olympic opening ceremonies last week, I heard 4 Billion people watched it on TV so what the hell were you doing? If not go download it or buy a bootleg DVD (ironic much?) but by all means necessary WATCH IT! It's amazing. Nay I say LEGENDARY?
I think the Chinese spent like 10 Years preparing for it, getting everything just right, the whole show was a pure tribute to China's culture. The greatest Olympic Opener of all time...
... and this guy messed it up. Sir, you bring disgrace to your family, your village, you may no longer use one of our 6 names. You will be known as Bob, the 1 drummer that fucked up the whole Olympics on live, world-wide television. Shame on you sir.
it wasn't his fault! he really had to sneeze!!!!
he's actually korean...
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